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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Up the Tehachapi Grade 2010 Part One

This is the beginning of a series that may take a year. The beginning of this event is for the beginning of a great New Year. This series will feature all of  the crossings I saw while driving up the Tehachapi Pass, including the crossings at the Tehachapi Loop! Trains, or no trains, I will post all crossings that I took a picture of right here!Also, at the end of every post, I will post a preview summary of the next post/crossing I saw. It will include: Whether or not there is something unique about the crossing, whether or not I saw a train, the street name, the city, and when I should post it. Question? Post a comment!

Lenwood Ave., Barstow

This chrome "box" is called a relay case.

These types of overhead signals are called cantelievers. 

Next post: Preview
Something unique about the crossing: Yes
Saw a Train?: No
Street: Mountain View Ave.
City: Barstow
Should post on: Thursday, Alt. Friday

1 comment:

Glinda said...

Great idea! Looking forward to your next entry.