My blog for all real trains, not just crossings anymore, folks!

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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Spring Stat Update

It is time for the spring stat update of the viewers on my blog:
Most active month: October 2010 with 621 pageviews
Least active month: December 2010 with 81 pageviews.
Most popular post viewed: 8 days to submit.(seriously?)
Most popular REAL post viewed: Metrolink on Orange County Line(Trainz)

Search terms for Google ONLY: crossingtalk, crossingtalk train, old raco crossing signals, crossing talk, trainz atls, trainz atls system, create multiple crossings on Trainz, crossing talk blogspot, crossing

Countries viewed in:
United States: 2,656 pageviews
Canada: 20 pageviews
South Africa: 19 pageviews
France: 11 Pageviews
India: 10 pageviews
Colombia: 9 pageviews
Germany: 4 pageviews
Australia: 3 pageviews
Russia: 3 pageviews
Ireland: 2 pageviews
Iran: 1 pageview

Internet Explorer: 1,676 (61%)
Safari: 830 (30%)
Chrome: 163 (5%)
Firefox: 59 (2%)
Mobile: 5 (<1%)
(Flipboard Proxy: 3 (<1%)
Jakarta Commons- Http client: 3 (<1%)
Java: 3 (<1%)
CometBird: 2 (<1%)
Opera: 2 (<1%)

Operating Systems:
Windows: 1,889 (68%)
Mac: 812 (29%)
iPhone: 17(<1%)
iPad: 14 ( <1%)
Other Unix: 5 (<1%)
iPod: 3 (<1%)


These are the real stats for my blog. I will post the next update on the day Daylight Savings Ends.


Moy said...

Congratulations! That's quite an accomplishment.

Glinda said...

Good job on your stats! I found those details very interesting. Do you have any plans to use that information?